National delivery demand guide chart

Settlement typology Description of the settlement type Average household
Expected annual
rise in household
size (%)
heads (%)
age of
heads (years)
out of
work (%)
Per capita household
income (R/month)
ratio (%
of population
aged <15
or 65+ yrs)
head in-migration
rate (1996-2001)
No. of housing
units needed
by 2015: Lower
No. of housing
units needed
by 2015: Upper
Types of appropriate housing options + linked needs
01.Old traditional Older style rural-type housing with more than 60% earth-built or cement-combination structures + iron, asbestos or thatch roofs. Age of settlement 12+ yrs. Concentrations in metro & middle cities outer periphery and in smaller towns closer zones, most in rural periphery out to 40+ kilometers. 5.74 3.50 59 50 25 217.74 105 3.10 295575 317318 Serviced sites or single-family owned units at moderate density on municipal or informal land. Emphasis on enabling informal self-build decent-quality housing provision, with financial, material and institutional support. Some rental options.
02.New traditional Resembles 01, settlement age less than 12 years. Distribution is similar to 01 but closer to core zone in middle cities. 5.62 3.98 58 49 23 230.27 105 5.29 6768 7148 Resembles 01, younger families & household preference for fully serviced localities on municipal or informal land.
03.Self-development Self-established greenfields informal areas thinly scattered in middle cities outer core zone and inner periphery, and in 0-20 km zone around smaller towns, extending out into rural former homelands. Younger families constructing mainly decent-quality permanent self-build housing. 5.45 4.15 54 45 29 350.58 83 11.79 9256 10573 To increase self-delivery needs release of serviced land and financial/ materials/ institutional support for owner-built housing provision. Site & service in outer core zone and inner-periphery suburban type of localities.
04.Self-upgrade Existing areas of traditional self-build housing with half or more self-upgraded to higher-quality units, durable materials. Older families often with women heads, holding permanent residential priorities. Mainly on informal land in old homelands, with some inside 0-20 km zones of middle cities and smaller towns. 5.36 2.40 55 48 26 329.95 86 5.23 247063 266647 To increase development of quality self-build housing, needs service delivery plus access to construction materials and bank finance or government-backed household-level construction credit. Bkyds and site/service for expansion.
05.Old townships Formal urban or rural townships family housing on serviced individual plots, government delivery, age of settlement 12+ years. Metro periphery 8-30 km, middle cities 0-20 km, smaller towns 0-8 km. Older households holding mainly residential priorities with assumption of urban access. 4.73 4.20 44 46 31 805.26 49 8.72 370184 404907 Single-family owned units with full services, high density, in urban core zones and inner peripheral locations given land availability. Plot sizes to allow backyard development 1-2 units. Option of rental blocks and high-turnover rental options.
06.New townships Formal urban or rural townships of family houses on serviced individual plots, government, RDP or owner-built, age of settlement less than 12 years. Younger growing households developing residential priorities. Concentrated in metro inner and middle periphery, + middle cities and small towns core zones. 4.06 9.71 42 39 36 663.31 50 24.46 18246 21508 Housing extension areas, densification options, shorter-term rentals in outer core zone. Provision of serviced sites allowing backyard densification at 1+ units. Option of rental blocks. Priority to metro inner periphery or smaller centres core zone localities given land availability.
07.Mixed formal & informal Areas with informal self-build mixed with formal-type houses, concentrating in metro outer periphery and in smaller centres central core zones. Occupants hold mainly residential but sometimes shorter-term access priorities. 3.96 2.59 40 40 40 398.74 52 13.60 39753 40826 Densification options with plot sizes allowing for backyard rentals. Options for shorter-term rentals in outer core zone, depending on determining nature of demand. Availability of serviced sites for in-migration important.
08.Informal shacks, inner CBD (0-4- km) Shack structures, old buildings & other types of found housing, used as short or medium-term informal temporary shelter in strategic central city zone to access economic opportunities. Household priority may be for high access short-term shelter in central metro rental zones, or for longer-term residential housing in centres core zones. 5.17 7.23 42 40 37 277.73 56 19.26 64393 69571 Public rental RDP-type units with bulk servicing capacity and plot size promoting backyard or cottage-type ultra-low-priced informal rental development, crowding in around formal units. Or equivalent bldg redevelopment. Shack areas upgrading to permanent is feasible in smaller centres core zones where population turnover and through-cycling are lower, but doubtfully advisable in metro core zones dominated by rentals.
09.Informal shacks, outer CBD (4-8- km) Shack structures, old buildings & other types of found housing, used as short or medium-term informal temporary shelter in strategic central city zone to access economic opportunities. Household priority may be for high access or long-term residential. 4.64 6.62 41 38 43 275.77 44 19.45 27308 29204 Public rental RDP-type units with bulk servicing capacity and plot size promoting backyard or cottage-type ultra-low-priced informal rental development, crowding in around formal units. Or equivalent bldg redevelpment. Shacks upgrading in metro core zones doubtfully advisable.
10.Informal shacks, inner periphery (8-20- km) Shack areas + township informal infill settlement, used as short-term or longer-term economic access and/or residential. Less temporary occupn, permanency as priority, and shack areas upgrading possible. 4.29 8.42 40 39 40 325.78 51 13.92 108961 121813 Permanent single-family units in serviced upgrading or greenfields areas, or low-priced rental options. Site & service, formal rental blocks, bldg redevelpment, informal rental options, shacks area upgrading or self-upgrade with with support, avoiding displacemt.
11.Informal shacks, outer periphery (20-30- km) Shack areas + township informal infill settlement, used as short-term or longer-term economic access and/or residential. Less temporary occupn, permanency as priority, and upgrading possible. 3.91 9.10 35 38 42 396.30 46 15.23 76492 86596 Permanent single-family units in serviced upgrading or greenfields areas, or low-priced rental options. Site & service, formal rental blocks or informal rental, or support to self-upgrading all possible, with care to avoid displacemt.
12.Informal shacks, rural (30+ km) Informal settlement or free-standing area of shack housing, in periphery of metro city or in outlying rural or former homeland area. Semi-permanent densification with household residential priority for urban access. 4.33 25.38 40 39 37 371.07 60 20.00 18375 20525 Permanent single-family units in serviced upgrading or greenfields areas, low-priced rental options or site & service. Option of self-upgrade with building materials and credit support.
13.RDP subsidy housing Subsidy housing allocated to poor citizens or communities, concentrated in metro outer periphery zone but middle cities inner periphery also core zones of smaller centres, extending into old homeland mid-distance. Frequently younger individuals or families not necessarily ready for permanent housing. 5.01 5.29 36 42 23 569.48 56 16.64 231260 250100 Promotion of infill rental units, as support to rental-oriented densification to allow more housing turnover and flexibility, for shorter-term accommodation options. Space for self-build and also options for expansion and improvement of houses. Priority to informal provision to increase low-cost inner rental stock.
14.PHP subsidy housing Government-supported serviced owner-built permanent housing, usually through subsidized contractor building services. Often outer periphery but in small towns concentrate in core. Owners often older women with strong transport priority. 4.95 2.62 36 43 21 641.10 56 14.69 11069 11405 PHP delivers good quality residential housing in outer communities with subsidy assist. To expand coverage needs serviced building sites in safe inner urban and rural areas with accessible transport.
15.Backyard shacks/ structures Formal or informal backyard structures on plots of township or other mainly formal housing. Backyards are widely distributed, with most inner periphery and some in core zones. Backyards renting population younger and poorer than township housing. 3.84 10.15 41 40 35 412.67 59 15.76 92055 103284 Support to self-build provision to increase total numbers of backyard rental units, along with attention to increasing supply of serviced sites and subsidy housing in both inner and outlying zones, so as to allow backyard population to move up housing ladder when ready.
16.Old hostels Older-type workers hostel as individual rooms or shared space in large blocks of housing, either public or privately owned. Some no longer serviced, informally occupied, planned for upgrading with fears of displacement. 2.98 1.13 30 40 37 684.76 38 14.08 13723 15416 Attention to providing options for informal housing sometimes associated with old hostels. Consideration to formal and informal single and family owning options, space for self-build. Resolution of servicing challenge and rental pricing policy issues.
17.Upgraded hostels Older workers hostels upgraded into family accommodation, as rental units, public or private ownership. 3.88 3.37 26 42 34 711.43 32 8.26 890 940 Serviced sites, single-family subsidy housing or self-build options for households now in hostel-related shacks or unimproved hostel accommodation wanting to remain in locality.
18.Inner village (0-8- km) Contemporary lower-quality non-traditional rural housing mainly as square houses with asbestos, zinc or iron roofs. Small areas of relatively well-off population on informal land in metro and middle cities mobilized inner rural zone and in rural inner periphery zone, with permanent urban access as household priority. 5.25 3.12 31 44 14 863.88 55 19.67 11644 12198 Emphasis on enabling informal self-build decent-quality housing provision, with financial, materials and institutional support. Also serviced sites or single-family owned units at medium-high comparative density on informal or municipal land, in addition to rental options using self-build.
19.Midzone village (8-30- km) Contemporary lower-quality non-traditional rural housing mainly as square houses with asbestos, zinc or iron roofs. Settlements of relatively well-off population on informal land in metro and middle cities mobilized inner rural zone and in rural middle distance zone, with permanent urban access as household priority. 5.74 5.96 39 45 19 549.74 70 14.15 130106 137915 Emphasis on enabling informal self-build decent-quality housing provision, with financial, materials and institutional support. Also serviced sites or single-family owned units at medium-high comparative density on informal or municipal land, in addition to rental options using self-build.
20.Outer village (30+ km) Contemporary lower-quality non-traditional rural housing mainly as square houses with asbestos, zinc or iron roofs. Less well-off conservative population on informal land, with permanent urban access as household priority. 5.41 6.45 36 45 12 511.87 70 19.34 16808 17973 Emphasis on enabling informal self-build decent-quality housing provision, with financial, materials and institutional support. Also serviced sites or single-family owned units at medium-high comparative density on informal or municipal land, in addition to rental options using self-build.
21.Urban rental and flats (0-20- km) Up-market private rentals as blocks of flats, concentrated in metro central zone and inner periphery. Medium- to long-term population, incl. single women with higher incomes needing family housing. 3.54 4.47 39 39 33 1000.95 40 14.62 129352 141980 Gap-market and affordable housing to allow professionals with families to move up to permanent titled housing when ready. Access to bank finance or government credit to promote elite-quality self-build housing.
22.Outer rental and flats (20+ km) Small amounts of formal rental housing located on outer peripheries, often with lower-professional medium-term tenants. 5.00 4.35 52 45 18 692.36 94 12.34 25881 27883 Requiring quantity of lower-priced formal or decent informal housing readily available on the open market, needing measures to loosen up formal housing supply in rural sector.
23.Mixed urban rental Middle- and lower-market mainly informal urban rental, concentrated in metro and smaller towns inner core zone but in middle cities periphery 8-30 km zone, with second significant pool located beyond 40 km zone. 4.30 7.25 40 41 33 738.78 51 13.33 100109 113315 Subsidy housing, site and service and bonded housing as options for rental population to move up to permanent housing after reaching stage of family household formation. Bank finance or government credit for self-build.